Future Internet Architectures


The dramatic growth of the Internet has enabled ubiquitous access to information, fostering seamless communication and promoting effective collaboration. Unfortunately, these capabilities have empowered state-level actors to deploy large-scale surveillance and censorship mechanisms to monitor people’s Internet activities or limit their ability to freely access and publish information. Although Internet surveillance and censorship mechanisms have substantially broadened and become more capable over the past decades, the deployment of effective privacy-enhancing tools remains a significant challenge.

Conference/journal paper publications

Michael Wrana, Diogo Barradas, and N. Asokan. 2023. The Spectre of Surveillance and Censorship in Future Internet Architectures. ACM Computing Surveys (September 2023), 35 pages. (Under Review)

Demos and Posters

Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute Conference: Michael Wrana, Diogo Barradas, and N. Asokan. 2023. Surveillance and Censorship in the Future Internet​

Math and Computing Research Discovery Day Michael Wrana, Lydia Choong, Diogo Barradas, and N. Asokan. 2023. Privacy and Surveillance Analysis of Future Internet Architectures​

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